you found my about me page!
hey there! i'm webmaster m, and this is my corner of the internet.
i've been an internet citizen my whole life, i grew up knee-deep in the 2000s web with a love for forums. in the past i've only experimented with html, but i've really missed the unique touch of the old web, so this has been a fun learning process for me.
i spend most of my time creating. i'm primarily a digital artist, but recently i've been jumping into ceramics and game design.
i also love thrifting. i spend a lot of time collecting vintage postcards, trinkets, and sci-fi books.
check out my "me core" page! literally just images that i vibe with
hey, you look kind of hungry
why don't you get a snack from the fridge?
pet the dog, won't you? he needs so much attention...
hey, actually, can you grab me a drink while you're over there?
if you want, send me an email! it better kick ass tho