the charming cryptids oracle deck is a passion project of mine that i created in 2021.
a 50 card oracle deck, this project is a love letter to all creatures weird and strange.
Cryptids in these cards range widely from popular creatures (such as bigfoot, mothman, and the Loch Ness monster) to fearsome critters (like jackalopes, teakettlers, and splintercats) to local lore (ever heard of the tizzie-whizie?).
As a midwestern native, I tend to navigate towards creatures that are more popular in my neck of the woods, such as Mothman or the Loveland frogman. While creating this deck, I challenged myself to dig deep into cryptid lore and research new creatures from every corner of the country. Nearly all of the cryptids in this deck have tales and legends that originated in North America, with a small handful that have more global origins.
While making my selections, It was important to me to heavily research the background of each critter that caught my eye. I took great care to avoid creatures with culturally important backgrounds or deep roots in mythology as opposed to local lore.