So, what are gamebooks?
The definition of "gamebook" can be widely debated, but here I borrow demian's words, and define gamebooks as "any book in which the reader participates in the story by making choices which affect the course of the narrative."
There are a few different families of gamebooks, originating with branching-plot novels seen in the Choose your own Adventure series. The only active mechanic in these books is making choices.
Another popular type of gamebook was developed by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone in the Fighting Fantasy series, which involves more solo rpg mechanics. In addition to making choices, players might be provided with character sheets and stats to keep track of. These games often require the use of dice for combat.
Cool cool. Why do you have so many?
I loved choose your own adventure books as a kid, but forgot about much I enjoyed them until I found an Endless Quest book in a used bookstore last year. That find reignited my love of the genre and opened my eyes to the wider world of gamebooks!