A collection of web resources that I've collected to help you build your own site!

Also seen in my tumblr post here!


sadgrl.online webmastery | webmaster's holy grail. a fantastic resource for getting started with html & web revival. also has a layout builder that you can use to start with in case starting from scratch is too intimidating

web design in four minutes | good for learning coding basics

w3schools | html tutorials

templaterr | demo & html for basic web elements

eggramen test pages | css page templates to get started with

save my neocity | neocity site downloader



blinkies-cafe | fantastic blinkie maker

gificities | HUGE internet archive of 90s/00s web gifs

internet bumper stickers | web bumper stickers

momg | gif gallery

99 gif shop | 3d gifs

pixel safari | collection of favicons, dividers, blinkies, & other pixel goodies

betty's graphics | huge collection of gifs & bg tiles

rivendell background tiles | more bg tiles

rentry | favicon hoard

repeater | create a repeating background tile from an image

repeater | pixel hoard. favicons, dividers, pixel art

pookatoo | create fun text graphics

remove bg image | remove image bg & make transparent

geocities dig | old geocities graphics

identity buttons | buttons for gender, sexuality, other

pride archive | 2000s pride grpahics

patternify | css pattern generator


123 guestbook | add a guestbook for people to leave messages

cbox | add a live chat box

moon phases | track the phases of the moon

gifypet | clickable virutal pet

adopt a shroom | mushroom page pet

tamaNOTchi | virtual pet

crossword puzzle | daily crossword puzzle

imood | mood status

neko cats | cute little cat that follows your mouse

pollcode | add polls to your page

website hit counter | track how many page visits your get

earthbound text | create a nintendo-style text speech box

ayano's neocities comment widget | add a comment widget to your page


melonking | what is web revival?

reclaiming online social spaces | great manifesto on cultivating your online experience

interacting with other websites | a great guide on web etiquette


afternoon tea | pixel club

charm bracelets | pixel club

kitty friend | pixel club

fizzy vendor clique | pixel clique

melonland forum | web forum

status cafe | share your status

nightfall city | explore

onio.cafe | drop a line

32-bit cafe | web revival comunity

404 page found | active vintage website


12 ft ladder | remove popups, ads, & unlocks web pages

my abandonware | free salvaged video games from 1965 to 2012

old games download | archival project building a database of abandoned video games from the 70s, 80s, 90s and early 00s

radio garden | tune into radio stations from around the world

media garage | archive of unaired pilot episodes & niche movies

queer book database | searchable database listing queer rep in books

metazooa | daily animal guessing game

JSTOR LGBTQ collection | archive of 25 publications that chronicle the birth of the gay and lesbian movements in the United States

open library | free online library run by the internet archive

garfield comic transcripts | a searchable database of transcribed garfield comic strips

anna'a archive | free open source library
