What is 12 months 12 mediums?
12 months 12 mediums is my personal art resolution for 2023! The goal is to try a new medium of art every month, ideally trying out at least 12 different art forms this year.
I made this resolution in January becuase I was getting somewhat frusturated & uninspired doing only digital art. While digital art is my main passion, I was in a rut, and I wanted to push myself to experience other mediums.
So far, I've found that pushing mysefl to explore other mediums is acually making me enjoy digital art more! Different mediums inspire each other, and by varying my routine I feel less stuck and less pressure on myself.
Obviously digital art was my first medium of the year! I've been passionate about digital art since I got my first drawing tablet in sixth grade.
Linocut my beloved! I actually started doing linocut a few years ago, but I don't do it super often anymore. I find the process of doing linocut extremely relaxing & rewarding.
Linocut involves carving a block of linoleum or rubber to create a sort of stamp.
If you haven't tried linocut and you're looking for a new craft, I definitely reccomend it!
I took a silkscreen printing class in 2022, and I had an awesome time. I actually got my own screen to print with for Christmas!!
Before you say anything, YES HTML totally counts as an art medium!!! I hadn't made anything with HTMl since I was in middle school, so diving back into it has been a total whirlwind. I'm having the best time.
Here are some links to my favorite pages :)
![](/images/wizard zone/wizardzonegif_13.gif)
What goes hand in hand with html? PIXEL ART. Yeah, it tracks. I haven't made pixel art in ages, and back in the day when I made it it was... not very good.
I'm still not the best, but I'm having fun making little pixels!
ZINES!!! I made my first mini zine last year, but I've really grown an interest in them this year. I've gone to a coulple of zine festivals and it's really cool to see all the different people invovled in the zine scene.
Zines can be made with a single sheet of paper, and they're super cool!
My big activity for this year! I tried ceramics in high school and I was.... so so bad at it. SO I decided that this year I would conquer the monster!
In the spring I took a handbuilding course, and I was still bad at it, but I decided to keep going! Ceramics is really grounding for me, more than really anything else has been. Doing stuff with your hands is really rewarding, and it's a huge lessen in patience lol. Literally, it takes like a month to make something and fire it and glaze it and fire it again at a studio. But so so fun.
I am currenlty learning how to throw on the wheel!! Low key I want to count the wheel as a different medium. YALL it's a whole other monster out there. BUT I think I'm getting the hang of it.
I'm not really sure what to call this one, so I'm calling it "fiber art" becuase it sounds better than random sewing. I've been wanting to try upcycling clothing, and recently I made a felt patch and sewed it to an upcycled flannel!
The patch is based off of an iconic billboard sign that I'm sure most midwesterners are familar with.
I've never really handmade costumes before, but this year I went all in! I created a whole Beedle costume for comic con and for the Ren Fair this fall I'm creating a wizard costume! I'm also working on a UFO hat
For my wizard hat, I thrifted an old straw hat as a base and then applied a new fabric of my choice on the brim and made a cone! I do not own a sewing machine, so I made a cape that matches my hat through hand sewing.
Alright, I'll admit, I'm not a big painter. Love the concept, I'm terrible at it. I prefer gouache, which is like a thick watercolor.
However, this year I used acrylics when my friend was visiting and one night we did a little art swap.
This one is a bigger project that I haven't fully comitted to yet!
I've always been in love with lockets, and I really want to start doing tiny art pieces to go in them. Currently debating on how to best seal them in the locket! I have been using gouache so far.
Okay, so not TECHNICALLY an art, but I'm gonna count it anyways. It's part of the arts and it was time consuming as helll, so it deserves SOME recognition.1
This year I compelted Nanowrimo for the first time!! Over the course of November I completed a whole book & hit my goal of 50k words!! My draft still has a lotttt of work but holy shit I did that !!!